Sunday, 3 March 2013

More Travel Tips

So after I wrote and published my post from the other day, I remembered that I had left off a few important sites.

Electircal Outlets and Plugs
How many times have you wondered what type of electrical outlet you'll be dealing with at your destination? If you travel like me, probably often. This site lists the different electrical systems around the world. At first glance, the information seems a bit much and confusing but if you click the letter link under the "plug" column, it takes you to a write-up, including picture!, of that type of plug. I find it really helpful when figuring out which adaptor(s) to pack.

I like the website for the sheer amount of information. It's geared towards budget travelling, and has tips, deals, writes up on different locations, contests. It's good for single travellers, couples, familes. It is geared towards Americans, so a lot of their recommendations are in the US, but it's still a good resource for budget planning.

This site is much like Budget, only it's more for world travel. Again, it has a little bit of everything - photography tips, packing tips, cruise tips, and ideas for your next travel. There's a lot here, so just start clicking.

Packing List
I like this site because it has items listed in different categories - so you can easily focus on what type of trip you're taking (will you be going somewhere fancy? Are you doing a lot of hiking? Will you be at the beach most of the time?) and you can ignore the columns that have items that you won't need.

Happy trails!

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